What kind of submissions are we looking for?

Purgatory is looking for submissions made for adult readers. We are interested in comics and adjacent media exploring the radical, the occult, the existential, the violent, the fantastical, the cathartic, the grotesque, the nostalgic, and the satirical.

Submissions can be fictional: a fantastical journey through personal themes, a dystopian climate fiction multimedia comic, a belligerent tale of agony and ecstasy; or nonfictional: a piece of journalism important to you or radicalizing you, a research comic about genderless sea creatures, or an autobiographical story.

Purgatory is not looking for any work that denigrates a marginalized identity, superhero comics, or romance comics.

What should I submit to Purgatory?

Purgatory Comics Press is open to short and long-form comics submissions of all kinds, at any stage of the development process. Page counts are flexible and our long-form comics submission deadline is rolling. We cannot respond to all submissions.

Want to get your short comic or comic-related media published?

Purgatory will accept submissions under 10 pages for the yearly magazine. These can be strips, one-pagers, posters, political comics, essays, etc. The deadline for submissions to Purgatory Yearly is July 15th, 2024.

Want to get your long comic or graphic novel published?

Purgatory is looking for approximately 40-150 page submissions, though each long-form submission will be evaluated upon story, not length. Long-form comics submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Ready to submit to Purgatory?

If you’re ready to submit a long-form comic or something shorter for Purgatory Yearly, please carefully read our submission packet requirements before contacting us. Relevant contact information and additional FAQ can be found on our pitch requirements page.

Don’t have any comics right now, but want to get involved?

Please introduce yourself and your work to us! We love to meet and collaborate with other creators, editors, writers, printers, and illustrators in the community. For opportunities to work with us in-house, check out our opportunities page!